About Us

Money Spinner Australia was launched in 1988. Since then, we have established ourself across Australia as one of the pre-eminent means of raising a lot of money very quickly.
We are a family run business that has worked alongside McDonalds, Woolworths, Rotary Clubs and other high profile charities for more than 30 years, raising millions of dollars for those in need with little to no effort. It has proven itself over and over, with thousands of units now sited all over the country.
The Money Spinner is a high volume money maker for all types of charities and very popular as it requires so little effort to operate. A simple yet fun device that attracts children who in turn encourage their parents to ‘spin’ their loose change. Positioned well in high traffic areas, The Money Spinner can raise up to $1000 per month! A great way to generate passive revenue for your charity.
The Money Spinner comes with a variety of colour combinations to match your charity or business, sizing can be tailored to fit your needs.
If you would like to gain more information about the Money Spinner, please visit the Contact Us page.